Reuben Gelley Newman

My debut chapbook, out from Seven Kitchens Press, focuses, of course, on the musician Arthur Russell.
Cover art: Mieke Gelley (my grandmother!)
Untitled, Acrylic on paper, 40" by 32", 2020.
"These beautiful and moving poems are about love. Love for queer art. Love for Arthur Russell’s kaleidoscopic music. Love for language—Reuben Gelley Newman’s poems are archival and elegiac and resonant. I learned new things about Russell’s life and work but this looking back also enlarges the present."
—Eduardo C. Corral, author of Guillotine
"Feedback Harmonies is a vivid, beautiful array of poems that will whisk you away. It is sublime and emotional: "I wasn't prepared to be stung." It craters itself deep inside you."
—john compton, author of The Castration of a Minor God
Here is a collection that washes the reader in lyric and music, "a world // in which / to fall." At once erotic, sad, hopeful, and unerringly true. A brilliant debut.
—Jimin Seo, author of OSSIA